About The Author Reading - How I Get Out Of A Funk

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I've been in a weird funk lately (a la 2020, writing roller coaster, and good ol' mercury retrograde because no can't forget about Merc ;) ).


Some things like: 






Self-limiting beliefs.


...and many more have been on my shoulder whispering lies in my ear. Sometimes I can brush them off and carry forth like no big deal. Sometimes though... those insidious effers get their fangs in me and put up a strong fight.


Yesterday, the narrator and I found out there's been another unexpected delay with the editing/production phase of the audiobook. At this point, I am not certain if the audiobook will be live on 10/31.


PS: 10/31 is Halloween AKA Samhain and a blue moon/full moon AKA.... ummm WTH was I thinking when I thought that'd be a good day to publish??? The answer: I wasn't. I wasn't thinking at all. LOL.


Anyyyywho, so I've been in this weird funk and then I got the news about the additional delay with the audiobook production... and I literally sat down at my computer intending to write some some more of book 4 and literally didn't write anything because it was as if the characters knew I just needed a time out... And you know what I did?.


Leaned into the chaos.




I leaned into that mother effing roller coaster ride. I went to the beach. Witnessed the end of an epic sunset. Walked on the beach with my toes in the sand and my lungs filled with that sea salt air. And then a song popped into my head. "My Fault" by Imagine Dragons. It was the beginning of the song that says, "I took a walk on a Saturday night, Fog in the air, Just to make my mind seem clear. Where do I go from here?".


So, I immediately whipped up my Spotify and began listening to that song which then turned into me putting on my high vibes only playlist (AKA "Marina Manifesting Mindset"). And then you know what I did?.




Yup. I totally danced on the beach by myself at night in the half-moon light like a straight up crazy person on drugs at a rave.


There weren't a ton of people there but there were still some Friday night beach moonlight stragglers. And at first, I felt that feeling of "I need to tone it down and not go full out" (basically dim my light) because of the peanut gallery. But after a few songs in, I decided, eff it! and I just started dancing and not giving a flying fig if people were watching or judging or criticizing or whatever. I danced and twirled and skipped and jumped and spun and stumbled and laughed and cried and ran through the ocean water after dark. 


It was freaking amazing. Liberating. Epic. And incredibly healing.


Afterward, I realized two things:.


First, the symbolism. The symbolism of the fear of judgement, criticism, etc. from others (hello, to how vulnerable publishing Calypso's Heart feels). The symbolism of those whispers that have been dimming my light lately. Last night while I was full on crazy beach moonlight dancer, I feel as if I had some epic breakthrough, cutting through the chaos and getting back in touch with my core and my true north.


And the other thing I realized was how I've lost touch with one of my go-to rituals to get myself out of a funk: epic playlists and dancing at the beach! (Because, you guessed it, that was not the first time I've done the crazy dancing at the beach thing and surely won't be my last). But I've been so caught up in the chaos and everything that I fell out of touch with a practice that is so healing and honestly kinda crucial to my mental, emotional, spiritual mindset.


Okay, so that's my Friday night story. And to sum it up, dance like you don't give a fig if people are watching or not.


****And now, I'm curious, do you have a go-to ritual or practice that helps you get out of a funk?****.


I'd love to hear about it in the comments!.

M.C. Solaris

❤️Author of massively epic love stories

🧜‍♀️Creator of emotionally satisfying fantasy escapes

✨Healing thru storytelling

✍️ Channeler of Orion’s Order
