Author Reflections: New Moons and Publishing Calypso's Heart

Author Reflections: New Moons and Publishing Calypso's Heart

As a part of the recent new moon in Aries this past Sunday (PS: The Aries new moon is the start of an astrological cycle in itself—I kind of like to think of it as an “astrological new year”), I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting about the past 12 month cycle.

Naturally, I thought about publishing Calypso’s Heart because it was a humongously life-changing event and my first official (well, publicly official) steps into the world as M.C. Solaris.

And then I thought about how I published Calypso’s Heart with a new moon as well (July 20th, 2020). That was no coincidence either. I remember looking at certain dates for publication and remember wanting to coincide the date with the lunar cycle since that’s kinda how I roll in my personal life too. So, just made sense to have a release with the new moon.

Anyway, I went all the way back to my social media post that day and felt called to share what I wrote with you again because I know I needed to hear this message again and so I’m sharing it here in case you also needed to hear this and be reminded that you totally got this and to keep forging your path ahead even when it gets tough or unexpected roadblocks appear.

Okay, so here’s what I wrote:


Broadly speaking, new moons are a time of new beginnings. It’s the start of a new lunar cycle. Restart. Recollect. Refresh. Rejuvenate. Remember.... So, naturally, officially launching with the new moon felt aligned to me.

“This July New Moon is a great time to become aware of the things and beliefs you are doing that are holding you back from living your best life.

Very often, we are the ones that are in our own way. Very often, it is a little habit, a fear, or a voice of doubt that keeps us playing small and in a limited mindset and state of being.” — Forever Conscious

Want to know a secret?

I was (still am) *terrified* to be birthing this book into world. Yup. True story. I poured my heart and soul into Calypso’s Heart. And publishing CH is such a vulnerable experience. (Hell, even this post is a little vulnerable!).

The fears that have come up for me during this entire experience have been next level. From writing, to editing, to beta reading, to publicly announcing, etc.

So today’s new moon vibes involving being aware of the fears that may be holding you back from doing the damn thing and doing it big, feels timely.

And I wanted to share this to hopefully encourage you to carry on, forge ahead, and continue to put one foot in front of the other—in spite of fears, beliefs, and behaviors that may be holding you back.

You got this! I believe in you!


M.C. Solaris

❤️Author of massively epic love stories

🧜‍♀️Creator of emotionally satisfying fantasy escapes

✨Healing thru storytelling

✍️ Channeler of Orion’s Order