I am a Storyteller

I am a Storyteller

I am a storyteller.

That phrase (mantra and affirmation) has been on my desk even before I first woke up and started writing Calypso’s Heart or any of the Orion’s Order books.

That phrase was in the context of being a women’s health coach and shamanic practitioner.

And because of this background of mine and truly being a dedicated and passionate healer at heart, I would say that my storytelling is unique.

You see, on top of my background with studying and practicing all things women’s health—from the practical to the very woo-woo, I am also not a “trained” writer and I didn’t go to school to be a writer or even take writing classes. I’m just a woman who woke up one day and began writing the stories I started to see in my head.

And because I haven’t gone to school to be a writer, it may not follow the “writing rules” but that’s okay as I am not writing to fit in any box “that sells” or of “that’s how it’s supposed to be.” I am writing what I see playing out in my head like a movie and I just do my absolute best to translate it into reality and do the images and scenes I see justice to the best of my ability.

And I want to share a little secret with you... I believe the stories I write (or translate) are more than just stories. Sure, they are entertaining and they have laugh out loud moments but I believe they are so much more than that. I believe these stories are healing. I believe these stories contain powerful lessons. I believe these stories help you on your journey as you navigate through this thing we call life. I believe these stories contain sacred lessons about life and love and relationships. And I believe these stories hold a certain vibration or energetic frequency of love that you may feel when getting lost in these stories.

Try not to get caught up if I got too woo-woo there for you for a second. What I’m trying to say is that I believe these stories are so much more than just fictional and fantasy stories.

You see, sometimes I feel like our world has forgotten about the power behind storytelling. Storytelling is sacred. Storytelling is magical. Storytelling is healing. Storytelling is powerful.

Storytelling can conjure emotions and bring things to light that you may not have realized or may have not seen in that way before.

And I feel like it’s a part of my life’s mission—my soul’s mission—to help re-enchant the world through the sacred art of storytelling. By sharing stories that help you on your journey in some way. By sharing stories that help you heal through a situation. By sharing stories that help you be seen, felt, heard. By sharing stories that help you in your loving relationships—including your relationship with yourself. By sharing stories that inspire you, encourage you, lift you up, help you believe in yourself, help you believe that epic love does exist, help you believe that, hell yes, you’re worthy of that epic love too!

So, you see, I am a storyteller. And I am truly honored to be able to share these powerfully healing stories with you.

They’ve changed my life for the better and I can’t imagine who I’d be without them. And I just hope that they help serve you in that way too.

So if you want to hear and feel these stories that I believe were passed onto me so I could share them with you and our world then I invite you to grab your favorite drink and get all comfy and cozy, maybe light a candle, and enjoy story time!

M.C. Solaris

❤️Author of massively epic love stories

🧜‍♀️Creator of emotionally satisfying fantasy escapes

✨Healing thru storytelling

✍️ Channeler of Orion’s Order
